Dr Manti Grobler

Coach & Teacher

The things I do

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a way to find solutions by keeping people at the core and practising creative confidence. It builds capabilities such as creativity, curiosity, imagination, empathy and courage with critical and analytical thinking.


I follow an integral approach to coaching and design a personal program for my clients. Integral coaching is a pragmatic approach to what is needed now and development over time to allow you to move into a different way of being. Schedule a free 20-minute session to explore if this could work.

Teaching & Facilitation

Teaching takes many forms for example workshops, webinars and masterclasses. I teach on topics ranging from design thinking to personal development.


The Enneagram offers a map to help us navigate to a place of choice and to understand our way of being. I use the iEQ9 Enneagram report as a tool with individuals and teams to create personal maps for the journey.

About Me

I offer teaching and coaching services. I am a certified Integral Coach, Integrative Enneagram practitioner, Barrett Culture Transformation Practitioner and design thinker.  I am accredited with the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC).  I combine my love for human development and creativity through offering coaching as well as teaching and consulting.  My coaching clients include corporate employees as well as entrepreneurs, often working with clients who experience a personal transformation journey or career pivot.  In addition to coaching, I teach and facilitate design thinking for corporate clients as well as an academic module at a business school.

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